Monthly Archives: November 2014

How to Ask for Accommodations at Work

Although I’m very open about having Bipolar Disorder and have come out publicly several times at work, I’ve never had to ask for accommodations to HR. I have come to realize that at times, I do need accommodations and I’m blessed that usually, what I need are smaller things that I can do on my own without including anyone else in my tweaks and twists.


But the other day, I was discussing my workload with my first level supervisor. As a college professor, I am required to carry a certain number of “units” each year and teach a certain number of classes to maintain my faculty status. As we are a very small private Christian university, I’ve never had the problem of not having enough units – rather, I have to be sure that I don’t overdo it and take on more than I can realistically handle.

Continue reading How to Ask for Accommodations at Work

Accept Yourself Where You Are


It’s okay Lisa. Just go with it.

Photo by Matthew Rutledge
Photo by Matthew Rutledge


These are the words of a good friend of mine who lost 5 family members during the last year, including her mother and her son. Today, we spoke quietly about anxiety and despair and sadness. She shared the pain of the loss of her son and I shared my fears about losing control; control of my mind and my faculties due to bipolar disorder. We cried a lot, standing in the afternoon sun, and I felt guilty for making her cry.

Continue reading Accept Yourself Where You Are