Monthly Archives: December 2014

Resolving to Be Kind: 10 Resolutions for 2015

We definitely need to be kinder……especially to ourselves and especially this time of year.

Kindness Blog

Woman's Folded Hands Covered in Glitter Photo Credit:

As 2014 rapidly comes to a close, I find myself straddling the line between the past and the future, as I reflect on the ups, downs, and the middle ground of the past year and look forward to the endless opportunities that the new year brings.  As I do every year, I excitedly am preparing for the upcoming year by dreaming new dreams and then devising plans to make these dreams realities.  As I end my first year as a co-administrator for The Kindness Blog (thank you, again, Mike O’Connor for this incredible opportunity), I decided to come up with a list of resolutions related to being kind.

Being kind sounds simple enough, and in general, it is actually.  That said, sometimes, I have a way of complicating matters by either over thinking things or leaving things up to chance, both of which can sabotage the best of my intentions. …

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